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Azerbaijan Report

This window allows you to submit Azerbaijan regulatory reports

Note that:
i) Regulatory authorities rely on the timely and accurate filing of report data by financial institutions using specific reporting formats. The Central Bank of Azerbaijan requires that these reports be submitted using an XML format.

ii) Data collected from regulatory reports facilitate early identification of problems that can threaten the safety and soundness of reporting institutions; ensure timely implementation of the prompt corrective action provisions required by law; and serve other legitimate supervisory purposes. Certain regulatory report information is used for public disclosure so investors, depositors, and creditors can better assess the financial condition of the reporting banks.

iii) Financial institutions in Azerbaijan using Loan Performer can submit reports to the regulatory system under Accounting/Regulatory Reports/Central Bank of Azerbaijan.

How do we submit reports to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan?

To submit reports to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan go to Accounting/Regulatory Reports/Central Bank of Azerbaijan, a screen like one below appears:

Click on the OK button and a screen like one below appears:

You can then name the report e.g AZERBAIJAN and choose where you want it saved .



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